Battlefield Bad Company 2 Free Steam Game unlocked with Pre-Installed link, direct link Download latest Version with all updates and DLCs – best Repack free games of steam.
Bad Company 2 game brings the award-winning Battlefield game-play to the forefront of PC gaming with best-in-class vehicular combat and unexpected Battlefield action moments. Best vehicles in this game like the ATV and a transport helicopter allow for new multiplayer tactics on the Battlefield. With the Frostbite-enabled Destruction 2.0 system, you is capable of take down entire buildings and create your own fire points by means of blasting holes through cat an terminate. You can therefore compete in four-player teams in two squad-only game modes, fighting together to unlock exclusive awards and achievements.
Imagine yourself crouched behind cover, bullets flying, and explosions all around you. The level of destruction was off the charts. You could blow up buildings, bridges, and create massive craters, turning the battlefield into your personal playground. Teamwork was the name of the game. You relied on your squad mates for support, ammo, and healing. Whether you were tearing through the map on an ATV with your buddies or engaging in intense firefights, the camaraderie was unbeatable.